The Spectator's Gaze
Assessment 2 Marking Scale
FMMs (Frequently Made Mistakes)
Assessment 1 Tips
Assessment 2 Tips
Assessment 2 Marking Scale
Resources and Links
Presentation Tips

Your second assessments will be awarded marks for the following sections:

Appropriate choice of film/TV text, year:                                                      2

Introduction (plan, approach, intention [100-150 words]):                              3 

Discussion of chosen text's Form and Dynamic [800 words]                       13
Discussion of narrative/doco aspect and subsequent effects [800-words]      16
Discussion of characterisation aspect and subsequent effects [800-words]   16
Required presentation (word count, font, line spacing,
margins, page numbers, title page, sub headings)                                      4
Written presentation (grammar/syntax, punctuation,
evidence of proofreading)                                                                          4
Referencing (in text style, bibliography)                                                     2
As you can see there are some easy marks to be had in terms of observing the required presentation guidelines set out in your assessment information booklet.
In terms of the main sections of discussion, there is no substitute for doing your coursework and readings, and students who show due dilligence to their studies and their chosen text will find this assessment very rewarding. 

This site is designed for Kate Liley's students of CMM17: Film, Media & Culture through Open Learning Australia. This site does not carry nor seek endorsement from OLA or Griffith University.
This site is intended for the purposes of addressing common student queries about their assignments.
If you cannot find an answer to your particular question, email me direct at